Want a Unique-unique? Aja came into Origin in Bandung Places to Eat!

Where to eat in Bandung origin, course can only be found in the origin House & Kitchen. The place is the concept of the family, is using stayed home decor as its appeal. When eating at this place, visitors are not only able to feel the atmosphere of the residence. (Bali cheap accommodation)

Moreover, all the functions of the residence as can be felt in this place. Such visitor will feel like what the function affection or kinship protection through the atmosphere in the dining area. Almost all visitors can feel the closeness through the atmosphere of the place is indeed close together. This happens because each table or place used as a dining area is created adjacent.

One thing that is unique, a place that also carry this green house concept, utilizing trees as decorations. Love of managers on the environment, especially trees can even be seen directly from the main dining area. In this area, as if the visitor feel like being in the green house. The decoration more similar to a greenhouse surrounded by plants hodroponik. (Bali cheap hotel)

The use of hydroponic plants also actually has a firm correlation with the concept of this eating place. Because, all products processed in this place is derived from an organic farm that reportedly healthier.

Organic impression could also be obtained when the visitors began to enter this place. In the front area, the manager was deliberately put organic stores. This shop sells a variety of organic polahan products, ranging from flour to prepared foods. (Bali best hotel)

See the above description, origin eating places in Bandung, may indeed combine various forms of business with a green and healthy environment as a red thread. In short, this place represents a thought and wishes of its owner on environmental sustainability and a healthy lifestyle.

In spite of it all, Origin House and Kitchen as a dining area is one of many unique places to eat into the wealth and attractiveness Bandung. Not only that, this place was successfully represent Bandung as a city of unique and creative town with brilliant ideas. (Bali private villa)

Interested to visit and find out what kind of eating places in Bandung's origin? Just come to Bandung and go straight Origin House and Kitchen are addressed in Sumatra Road No. 21, Bandung, West Java. Visitors will certainly get the impression that is completely different and can not be obtained from other eating places.


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