Bali is famous for the beauty of nature tourism beaches so that bali is famous as a Paradise Beach. Many travellers travellers nusantara and foreign tourists coming to Bali for tourist hunting of exotic beaches. Many beaches in Bali are already well known abroad, such as getting to the Beach of Kuta, Sanur, Lovina Beach and More Beach. Each beach in Bali has its own characteristics and uniqueness. Most of the beaches that there are in the area of East Bali black sand. But don't get me wrong guess, because there is a beach in East Bali has a white-sand beaches like Bali Southern Coast like Dreamland, Nusa Dua Beach, and Jimbaran beach. One of the beaches have white sand located in the East Bali i.e. Padang Bai Beach. ( Bali Kuta Resort )

The village of Padang Bai Harbour not only has the famous with the name of the port of Padang Bai, but also has an exotic beach, white sand beaches and pristine. This tourist attraction close to Padang Bai Harbour which was used as the site of the crossing to the island of Lombok. Not far from the attractions of the coast of Padang Bai, there is a temple called Pura Silayukti is one of six important temples in Bali. Although the beach is close to Padang Bai ferry line Bali – Lombok, however its cleanliness is not then forgotten. This beach is quite familiar, especially for lovers of sport fishing and diving also. Almost every day we can see people fishing in this area. Besides the beauty under the Sea also become a paradise for divers. Although its position adjacent to the port of Padang Bai, sea life contained in panta is still very well preserved. ( Bali Holidays Villas )

To access this beach is very easy because it is close to the common port of Padang Bai. Padang Bai Beach attractions are located in the village of Padang Bai, Manggis, Karangasem, Bali. The distance is approximately 7 km from the attractions of Goa Lawah Temple and 14 km from the sights of kerta gosa (town of Semarapura). If you come from the Airport Nurah Rai would travel approximately 1.5 hours and 1 minutes from the attractions of Bajra Sandi (Denpasar). To support tourism activities with respect to this, then the local government provides facilities to add to the convenience of the visitors as a large parking area, public restrooms, restaurant, hotel or villa, souvernir shops that sell. ( Bali Cheap Accommodation )

Activities you may do in Padang Bai Beach Bali Accommodation Seminyak namely fishing, swimming because the waves calm down, diving, swimming, sunbathing, relaxing and enjoying the beauty of the beach. For those who want to dive in and do not carry Your dive equipment can rent dive equipment on a service provider located near the beach. Most of the locals work as fishermen along the coast then You will see the fishing boats lined up, so that adds to the beauty of this beach. ( Bali Private Villa )


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